Thursday, January 17, 2013

ኢትዮቴሌኮም የወያኔ ዘረኝነት ፖሊሰ መንጸባረቂያ መሆኑን የግንቦት ሰባት የአገር ዉስጥ ኢንተሊጀንስ አጋለጠ

የመረጃ ቴክኖሎጂ መሠረት የሆነዉ የቴሌኮሚኒኬሺን ዘርፍ አፍሪካ፤ ላቲን አሜሪካና ኢሲያ ዉስጥ የሚገኙ በእደገት ወደ ኋላ የቀሩ አገሮችን ለዘመናት ከተዘፈቁበት የኋለ ቀርነት ማጥ

GINBOT 7 Movement ዉስጥ ጎትቶ አዉጥቶ ወደ ፈጣን የእድገት ጎዳና ይወስዳቸዋል ተበሎ የታመነበትና በአንዳንድ አገሮች ዉስጥ ይህ ለእድገት አመቺነቱ በተግባር የተመሰከረለት ዘርፍ ነዉ። ይህ ዘርፍ ገበሬዉ፤ ሰራተኛዉ፤ ተማሪዉ፤ ወታደሩና ለሌላም በማንኛዉም የስራ ዘርፍ ለተሰማራ የህብረተሰብ ክፍል የእዉቀት ምንጭ በመሆን የስራ ምርታማነቱን እንዲያሳድግ የሚረደና በህብረተሰብ መካከል ፈጣን የሆነ የመረጃ ልዉዉጥ አንዲኖር የሚያደርግ ዘርፍ ነዉ። በእድገት ወደ ኋላ ለቀረችዉ አገራችን ኢትዮጵያም ይሀ ዘርፍ እጅግ በጣም አስፈላጊ የሆነ ዘርፍ ነዉ። ነገር ግን በአፍሪካ ዉስጥ አገራችን ኢትዮጵያ እጅግ በጣም ወደኋላ ከቀርችባቸዉና ኢትዮጵያ ዉስጥ ያለዉ ዘረኛና አምባገነን አገዛዝ ሆን ብሎ እድገታቸዉ እንዲገታ ካደረጋቸዉ ኋላ ቀር ዘርፎች ዉስጥ አንዱና ዋነኛዉ ይሄዉ የቴሌኮሚኒኬሺን ዘርፍ ነዉ።
እራሱን “ልማታዊ መንግስት” ብሎ የሚጠራዉ የወያኔ አገዛዝ ስልጣን ከያዘባቸዉ የመጀመሪያዎቹ አመታት ጀምሮ አስከ ቅርብ ግዜ ድረስ እንደ ቤት ዉስጥ ዕቃዉ ከተቆጣጠራቸዉና የኢትዮጵያን ህዝብ በሚጠቅም መልኩ እንዳያድጉ ካደረጋቸዉ ቁልፍ መስሪያ ቤቶች ዉስጥ አንዱ ኢትዮቴሌኮም ነዉ። ወያኔ ኢትዮቴሌኮምን ያላደረገዉ ነገር የለም። ዘረኝነትን በሚጠቅም መልኩ አደራጅቶታል፤ የራሱን ሰዎች ጠቅጥቆበታል፤ ቻይናዎችን አምጥቶ የስለላ ተቋም አድርጎታል፤ የሚገርመዉ ዛሬ ኢትዮቴሌኮም የተራቀቀዉ በስልክ፤ በኢንተርኔትና በሌሎችም የመገናና አገልግሎቶች ሳይሆን ዜጎችን በመሰለልና የመረጃ ጨለማ በመፍጠር ርካሽና ጎታች ስራዎች ነዉ። ይህንን ርካሽ ስራ ደግሞ በቅርቡ የአገዛዙ የኢንፎርሜሺን ደህንነት ኤጀንሲ ሹም ብ/ጄኔራል ተክለብርሃን ወልደአረጋይ “የኢትዮጽያ ቴሌኮምኒኬሽን” የኀብረተሰቡን ሰላም የሚያጠፉ ዌብሳይቶችን የመቆጣጠርና የኢንተርኔት ድረገጾችና ብሎጎችን የማገድ አቅም ሊኖረው ይገባል፡፡መርሁም ይህ ነዉ በማለት በአዳባባይ አረጋግጧል።

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

ESAT Daily News Amsterdam 09 January 2013 Ethiopia

ESAT Daily Amsterdam News 11 January 2013 Ethiopia

ESAT Daily News Amsterdam 14 January 2013 Ethiopia

FBI foils assassination plot against Ethiopian journalist

Addis Voice—The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has foiled a plot to shoot and kill Ethiopian journalist Abebe Gellaw in Boston, Massachusetts.
plot to shoot and kill Ethiopian journalist Abebe Gellaw
The plot was allegedly orchestrated by a man named Guesh Abera, a Boston resident and parking lot attendant in his mid-thirties. Guesh and his three accomplices, who are suspected of being spies and fanatic members of the tyrannical regime in Ethiopia, were determined to “eliminate” the journalist and press freedom activist, sources say.

Abebe traveled to Boston last month to attend a fundraiser for the Ethiopian Satellite TV and Radio. The suspects had planned to shoot him during his sojourn.

Abebe Gellaw Ethiopian Man of the Year 2012.
PHOTO ECADF File: Journalist Abebe Gellaw confronting Ethiopian dictator Meles Zenawi

According to the sources, four Boston residents suspected of being agents of the Tigray People’s Liberation Front, an ethnic-based rebel group that has brutally ruled Ethiopia for the last 21 years, had taken steps to execute the  journalist. Guesh, the ringleader of gang, was reportedly communicating with his accomplices using a fake Facebook account (Hailemarim Desalegn) and emails. FBI agents reportedly intercepted some of the exchanges detailing the plot. in Boston

TPLF and the Culture of Violence

by Yilma Bekele

According to ESAT the FBI has foiled an attempt by the Ethiopian government to assassinate Ato Abebe Gellaw.
According to ESAT the FBI has foiled an attempt by the Ethiopian government to assassinate Ato Abebe Gelaw. Goosh Abera and his accomplices are under custody. Please note here I said the Ethiopian government since there seems to be no thin line between the TPLF party and the government. Why am I not surprised? I am not surprised because for the TPLF violence is sanctioned by the party leaders as a legitimate tool to achieve political, economic and military dominance.

The following weeks as we look closely at Goosh Abera and his criminal friends and the FBI presents a psychological profile of the alleged conspirators we are sure to find out certain telltale signs about TPLF and their bizarre psychopathic behavior. Individuals like Goosh are most probably equipped with basic rudimentary education if any and survive by their wit and ethnic fueled bravado. In Ethiopia they are known for carrying weapons conspicuously, brandishing them at will and revealing in their thuggish behavior. They are the kind that administers summary judgment on street corners, bars and clubs.

የአበበ ገላው ጉዳይ (ክንፉ አሰፋ)

ክንፉ አሰፋ

የአቶ መለስ ዜናዊ ዜና እረፍት በተሰማ ማግስት አንድ ሃገር ወዳድ ኢትዮጵአዊ ከአውሮፓ ለአበበ ገላው ስልክ ይደውልለታል።  ግለሰቡ ደጋግሞ ሲደውል የአበበ የእጅ ስልክ ጠፍቶ ስለነበር ሶስት ተከታታይ የድምጽ መልእክቶችን ትቶ ነበር።
“አበበ እባክህን ባስቸኳይ መልሰህ ደውልልኝ።  አንተን በተመለከት ከአገርቤት የመጣ መረጃ አለ።እባክህን መልሰህ በዚህ ቁጥር አስቸኳይ ደውልልኝ።” ይላል መልእክቱ።  ደዋዩ ከልብ እንደተጨነቀ ከድምጹ መረዳት ይቻላል።
አበበም በተባለው ስልክ መልሶ ደወለ።

“ሄሎ! አበበ ገላው ነኝ::”

“ሃሎ! አበበ ገላው ነህ?”

“አዎ አበበ ነኝ፣ ማን ልበል?
“እኔን እንኳን አታውቀኝም፣ ***** እባላለሁ። የምደውልልህ በጣም ጠቃሚ መረጃ ልነግርህ ነው። ግዜ ካለህ አሁን ማውራት እንችላለን?”

“ችግር የለም ቀጥል።
“በረከት ስምዖን አዜብ መስፍን፣ እና ብረሃነ ገ/ክርስቶስ አንተን ለማስገደል ማቀዳቸውን ከውስጥ ሰው ተነግሮኛል። እጅግ በጣም የማምነው ከፍተኛ ስልጣን ያለው የደህንነት ሰው ነው የነገረኝ። አደራ ባስቸኳይ ንገረው ስላለኝ ነው ደጋግሜ የደወልኩት።  አንተን ለማስገደል ነብሰ-ገዳዮችን ወደ አሜሪካ ልከዋልና ከፍተኛ ጥንቃቄ አድርግ….”
ደዋዩ ጉዳዩን ለአበበ ብዝርዝር አስረዳው።


by Ambassador Imru Zeleke
January, 2013

A foreign expert wrote that what occurs in Ethiopian history is always the unexpected. Although the symptoms of coming disasters were quite manifest long before the happenings; I am not sure if our perception to foresee future events is obfuscated by lack of imagination; or is it because of the Ethiopian, including mine, propensity to leave matters to Divine intervention? Who would have thought that the Imperial reign would crumble? Who would have thought that the Revolution and military pseudo-communist regime would disappear in debacle leaving a murderous trail and disaster? Would have thought that a corrupt and ruthless tribal gang of usurpers would be ruling the country?  Here we are now, after four decades painful and humiliating existence, reduced to abject poverty divested of any rights, estranged in our own country, still asking ourselves what to do. All our neighbors are in revolt and fighting for their freedom and for justice: Sudan, Yemen, Egypt, Tunisia, Libya, Syria and so forth. Where are we? What are we doing? Like in Samuel Beckett play: Waiting for God?

In the last days we have witnessed an extraordinary spectacle of ordered, organized and enforced mass hysteria ever seen in our poor land. In the reverse sense it is comparable to the extraordinary edict of the Derg prohibiting any wake keeping, crying and holding funeral for the people it murdered and buried in mass graves. Thus, under the pseudo-Marxist regime to cry for your dead was an anti-revolutionary act, while under the pseudo-democratic TPLF regime mass demonstration of sorrow, crying and self flagellation is an obligatory liberal/capitalist conduct.
by Alemayehu G. Mariam
Last week, The Reporter reported:
Addis Ababa University (formerly Haile Selassie I University) is a university in Ethiopia.
An ethnic-based conflict between Addis Ababa University (AAU) students following derogatory graffiti posted on toilet-walls and library walls has left half a dozen students with severe injuries while others had faced arrest. For decades, the clash between students at universities has witnessed many ethnic-based conflicts which many observers claim it to be the weakness of the administering body. Likewise, the Wednesday [January 2] conflict was particularly between those from the ethnic lines of Oromo and Tigre. Reports indicate that the conflict was instigated when member (sic) of the latter ethnic group scrawled derogatory remarks on the walls of toilets and the library and in his own dormitory as well.”
An official of Addis Ababa University alleged the “conflict was instigated by students who found derogatory statements posted on the wall”. Some 20 students were reportedly injured in the incident and three hospitalized including two who underwent surgery. Police reportedly arrested 20 students on unspecified charges.

My initial reaction reading this report about Ethiopia’s “best and brightest” was sheer disbelief.  “This just can’t be true. It is beneath the dignity of Ethiopia’s Cheetah Generation (young people) to engage in such a cowardly and dastardly act. Ethiopia’s university students know better than to wrestle in the filth and sewage of ethnic politics.” I kept on reassuring myself that such wicked hatemongering could not possibly  be the work of Ethiopia’s budding intellectuals, future scholars, scientists and literary men and women.